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16th PKES PhD Student Conference (supported by YSI)

16th PKES PhD student conference

Start time:

June 3



University of Hertfordshire, De Havilland Campus, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10



How to attend

Please submit your application by Friday, 7 March 2025.


The PKES PhD Student Conference, co-organised by the Post Keynesian Economics Society (PKES), the Young Scholar’s Initiative and the University of Hertfordshire, invites advanced PhD students working in pluralist economic traditions – such as post-Keynesian, Marxist, structuralist, institutionalist, feminist, and others – to present their ongoing research. Participating students will submit a draft chapter of their dissertation in advance, which will be reviewed by a senior academic. During the conference, each student will receive comprehensive and constructive feedback from an experienced PKES researcher, offering unique insights that go beyond typical supervisory guidance in a supportive and friendly setting.

This level of engagement is designed to help students refine their work and make significant progress toward successful completion and publication of their research, making the conference an invaluable experience for advanced PhD students. Additionally, the conference emphasises community-building and provides numerous networking opportunities through social events.  This environment enables participants to build lasting connections with peers and mentors from international institutions, supporting professional growth and fostering future academic collaborations within the global post-Keynesian community. The conference is expected to last one full day, gathering together PhD students and senior academics to create an inclusive and friendly environment.

We invite applications from students in the later stages of their PhD who work on topics relevant to post-Keynesian and pluralist economics more broadly. These topics include, but are not limited to, inequality and stagnation, the ecological crisis, structural dependencies in the Global South, the care economy, and financialisation. Submissions should represent a novel contribution to the field and be at a pre-publication stage; we typically do not accept dissertation proposals, literature reviews, or research based on master’s dissertations.

We strongly encourage applications from students with backgrounds underrepresented in economics research, including those who identify as ethnically minoritised, women, individuals with disabilities, LGBTQ+ community members, and others. In cases where applications exceed capacity, priority will be given to students from these groups. YSI funding will be used support travel stipends to enable widespread participation and funds to support socialising events.

Please submit your working paper and a cover letter of up to 300 words describing your research interest and how your dissertation topic relates to heterodox pluralist economics via this form. We accept applications on a rolling basis and aim to inform applicants whether they are accepted as soon as possible. Please keep in mind that the final deadline for submissions to present at the conference is the 7th March, 2025. We will inform you about acceptance at the latest by the 21st March, 2025 and assign reviewers to you. (You will be able to submit an updated version of your paper at this point).

Organising Committee
Bruno Bonizzi (University of Hertfordshire)
Carey Leach (University of Hertfordshire)
Nitin Jayaraj Nair (University of Leeds)
James Shepherd (University of Hertfordshire)
Toby Swales (University of Leeds)
Christina Wolf (University of Hertfordshire)

Hosted by Working Group(s):