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ECLAC School of Latin American Development Studies (ELADES)

Summer School ECLAC

Start time:

July 8, 2024 @ 8:00 am - September 30, 2024 @ 5:00 pm





Summer school


The Latin America Working Group of the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) is supporting the Program for Advanced Studies on Latin American Economies (ELADES, in Spanish) and will organize activities during the School, which include: (1) An opening workshop/roundtable (2) Feedback activities on Students’ final work, (3) a post-ELADES workshop in which students from the current program will be able to present papers and engage with researchers, and other young scholars. Our support to ELADES include workshops with senior lecturers, young scholar presentation and the opportunity to interact with ECLAC researchers and summer school participants. Please note that the application process for ELADES is accessible via ECLAC’s website. Your application to the YSI Alumni workshop is not connected to the application process of the ECLAC summer school.


The ELADES is an opportunity to discuss economic and social development issues in-depth while respecting the pluralism inherent to development studies. During the Program, theoretical and empirical issues are addressed, emphasizing the experience of the Latin America and the Caribbean counties. The Program is aimed at young researchers from around the world. Classes are taught by the school team and ECLAC staff, and also by prominent external teachers invited each year. The course is taught in English and Spanish.

In ECLAC’s analytical tradition, production structure, technological progress and trade specialization are the main variables that explain long-run economic and social development. ECLAC’s contributions are part of a tradition in economic theory that combines the Keynesian paradigm with the Schumpeterian and evolutionary traditions. The former pays special attention to income distribution and full employment policies, while the latter focuses on the dynamics of learning, technological innovation and diffusion and its impact on the production patterns. These traditions recognize that industrial and technological policies are crucial to foster developing countries’ convergence with the developed economies in terms of technological capabilities and per capita GDP. In the ECLAC Summer School the participants debate these topics in an open, plural and multidisciplinary framework. They study empirical and theoretical topics focusing recent Latin American economic history and its impacts on economic perspectives and policies.

Hosted by Working Group(s):