YSI Gender Economists @ SRI 2025
Start time:
June 15 @ 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk hotel, Chicago, Cook County

How to attend
7th March 2025
To be announced
Local Partners
The world is replete with a long history of violent communal crisis which emanated from tribal and religious differences. Contest for economics resources such as farming rights on land, fishing right on river and contest for power, thus the history of many towns and villages which have now metamorphosed into cities, mega cities, and states is built on the narratives of victories, conquest, forceful expansion, and in other cases displacement.
In many of the instances the core beneficiaries are the male because they are the warriors and strategist while females who are often not involved in the struggles are on the receiving end.
However, the trend has changed in the last century and a half, as rapid civilization has witnessed more female participation in socio-political, and economic activities. The involvement of female in the social economy activities has continued to foster inclusive and equitable development. Perhaps, more interesting of the emerging trend is obtainable in the rural areas where tradition had before the times overlooked the contribution of women to economic growth.
The emergent trend have increased access of women to financial resources, and is promoting the consensus of women to come together to share resources. Some of these resources include technical expertise, economics empowerment, socio-political capital etc.
However, the involvement of women in core economic and political activities still remains an incursion. For example, women are less visible in new and compelling economic fields such as Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This new field has led to a new variety of vocation with its professionals and artisans. One of the interesting dimensions to these realities is that knowledge acquisition on ICT in most part of the world is male dominated, hence earning from the field is correspondingly male dominated. Save for the few females who have made laudable efforts to assert their presence in the industry.
Similarly, the last quarter of a century has witnessed a rise in the subject of renewable energy. However, the pattern of knowledge acquisition, corresponding expertise, and earning in renewable energy is similar to what obtains in the ICT industry.
Consequently, the economics and politics of sustainability is male dominated.
The above primarily brings to fore, the low representation of women in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education and vocation, and how this impacts negatively on the economic empowerment of women, particularly in traditionally male dominated societies.
The identified peculiarities of ICT and renewable energy industries is synonymous with many countries, and leaves a gap with an imperative for collective actions.
These concerns appear more suitable at this time as there are growing advocacy to further liberalize the two industries.
Therefore, a young scholars workshop is proposed to discuss and share ideas on the foregoing.
The primary aim is to garner ideas and develop expertise that will support the contribution of women to remodeling that favors the feminine gender, and the larger sustainable development.
Contributions from males and transgender scholars will be appreciated and accommodated.
To participate, please find attached and fill the form below:
Thank you.