Early Career Researchers Series

Join us for Session 3: Women’s Time Use Patterns of Paid and Unpaid Work in India on November 7, 6.30 PM (IST)

Speaker: Dr. Vijayamba R, Assistant Professor – of Economics. NLSIU, India.


This talk presents estimates of women in economic activity using the Time Use Survey of India (TUS 2019). In India, the broad patterns of time use reveal that women engage in a predominant share of unpaid work leaving less time for employment and leisure. This paper asks if engagement in employment results in an offsetting reduction on unpaid work across different levels of education and types of employment. Identifying self-employment and wage employment from the International Classification of Activities for Time Use Statistics (ICATUS 2016), for women engaged in self-employment, there is a slight trade off with unpaid work. Whereas urban graduate women face an increased burden of unpaid work.

Please note that this session has been postponed from 31st October 2024 to 7th November 2024 due to unavoidable circumstances. 

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