NBFIs-Banks connection workshop virtual assistance (2/Oct/2024)

The Financial Stability Working Group invites you to assist virtually to the NBFIs-Banks connection workshop at the University of Leeds.

To assist virtually, register here. 

Please, consider the program is based on UK time.

10:15hs | Welcoming and coffee

10:30 – 12:30hs | Session 1. Moderator:  Iván Weigandi

Yixuan Li & Xudong Zhang (Beijing Normal University) – Liquidity creation under the interaction between banks and non-bank financial intermediaries

Toby Swales (University of Leeds) – Crowding in Stability? The Role of Government Debt in Suppressing Credit Cycles in Safe Asset Dependent Economies

Kamal Tasiu Abdullahi (Istanbul University) – International Financial Stability Implications of NBFIs and Banks: A Theoretical Exploration

12:30 – 14:00hs | Lunch

14:00h – 15:30hs  | Session 2. Moderator: Toby Swales

Giuseppe Fontana (University of Leeds) – The Shadow Banking System through the Lens of the Monetary Circuit Theory

Jo Michell (UWE Bristol) – Theorising non-bank financial intermediation

Annina Kaltenbrunner (University of Leeds) & Bruno Bonizzi (University of Hertfordshire) – International financial subordination in the age of asset manager capitalism

15:30 – 16:00hs | Coffee break

16:00 – 17:30hs | Session 3. Moderator: Nitin Nair

Carolyn Sissoko (UWE Bristol) – Is financial innovation market-driven or bank-driven? The case of private equity in the 1980s

Gabriel Porto (IE-UFRJ) – What a bank wants, what a bank needs: The Political Economy of Financial Systems

Nicole Cerpa Vielma (UC Santa Barbara) – A Liquidity Preference Theory for Banks in Emerging Capitalist Economies: A Minskyan Balance Sheet Approach