
ECLAC School of Latin American Development Studies (ELADES)


The Latin America Working Group of the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) is supporting the Program for Advanced Studies on Latin American Economies (ELADES, in Spanish) and will organize activities during […]

project Series Buenos Aires Hub

Buenos Aires Hub

Universidad de San Martín

Descripción En la ciudad de Buenos Aires el 7 de agosto a las 18.30hs, se llevará a cabo un primer encuentro con el objetivo de conocernos y fomentar la creación […]

Contemporary Demographic Concerns and Economic Development: A South-Asia Perspective

Virtual Project Virtual Project

India’s Demographic Dividend and Equity Concerns India’s demographic change has attracted considerable attention, given its possible effect on economic advancement. While there is overwhelming optimism that the demographic bonus will take the country to greater economic heights, pessimists raise serious doubts about the country's ability to take advantage of the demographic dividend due to several […]

project Series Buenos Aires Hub

Buenos Aires Hub

Universidad de San Martín

Descripción En la ciudad de Buenos Aires el 7 de agosto a las 18.30hs, se llevará a cabo un primer encuentro con el objetivo de conocernos y fomentar la creación […]