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YSI @ 20th Diamantina Seminar

Diamantina, MG, Brazil Diamantina

The Diamantina Seminar is an important academic event that happens every two years in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The seminar promotes debates in several areas, such as economic theory, history of […]


ECLAC School of Latin American Development Studies (ELADES)


The Latin America Working Group of the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) is supporting the Program for Advanced Studies on Latin American Economies (ELADES, in Spanish) and will organize activities during […]

Borderland Communities, Rural Livelihoods and Sustainable Development in Africa

University of Dar es Salaam Department of Geography, Dar es Salaam

The workshop brings together postgraduate students, early career researchers and practitioners interested in the everyday lives of people in the margins, particularly borderland and rural communities in Africa. The workshop […]