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YSI @ AKB Meeting

UFAL - Federal University of Alagoas Maceió

The Keynesian Economics Working Group is glad to announce a group meeting at the AKB conference. Together with Aninna Kaltenbrunner (University of Leeds/PKES, YSI’s invited speaker), we aim to discuss emerging […]

WINIR Young Scholars Pre-Conference Workshop

Center for Governance and Markets, University of Pittsburgh 3807 Wesley W. Posvar Hall 230 South Bouquet Street, Pittsburgh

WINIR YS Pre-Conference Workshop Bridging Divides: Institutional Theory and the Dynamics of Coexistence in Global Societies The WINIR Young Scholars Pre-Conference uses institutional theory as a starting point to help […]


ECLAC School of Latin American Development Studies (ELADES)


The Latin America Working Group of the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) is supporting the Program for Advanced Studies on Latin American Economies (ELADES, in Spanish) and will organize activities during […]

Young Scholars and Emerging Leaders Workshop on Housing, Sustainable Cities and Regional Economic Sustainability

Hyatt Regency Colorado Convention Center 650 15th St, Denver, CO 80202, United States, Denver, Colorado

In collaboration with the International Economic Development Council (IEDC), we are pleased to invite submissions for a three-day workshop focused on "Housing, Sustainable Cities, and Regional Economic Sustainability." The workshop will take place in Denver, Colorado. It aims to provide a platform for young scholars, professionals, emerging leaders, and researchers to present and enhance their […]

Does the circular economy really lead to a reduction in energy and material consumption?

Sheffield University Management School Conduit Road, Sheffield

The concept of rebound effects, and the estimation thereof, began in energy economics and referred to a situation wherein an energy efficiency improvement did not lead to reduced energy usage (and in some cases led to increased energy demand), due to a variety of consumer demand responses. More recently, this idea of rebound effects has […]