Macroeconomía y género

Gónzalo Ramírez 1926 Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay

Macroeconomía y género Montevideo, 19 y 20 de marzo de 2024   Objetivos La organización de estas actividades tiene tres objetivos.   Discutir con docentes y jóvenes investigadores como incluir la dimensión de género en la enseñanza de la macroeconomía en los niveles de grado y postgrado Discutir con aquellos trabajando en el diseño e […]

Walter Rodney’s “How Europe underdeveloped Africa”

SOAS, University of London , United Kingdom

SOAS and UCL scholars are getting together to discuss the book "How Europe underdeveloped Africa" in Central London. The book is an exploration of how European colonialism and exploitation shaped African economies. Rodney digs into the historical roots of underdevelopment, shedding light on the impact of the slave trade, colonial rule, and economic exploitation. The […]

Walter Rodney’s “How Europe underdeveloped Africa”

SOAS, University of London , United Kingdom

SOAS and UCL scholars are getting together to discuss the book "How Europe underdeveloped Africa" in Central London. The book is an exploration of how European colonialism and exploitation shaped African economies. Rodney digs into the historical roots of underdevelopment, shedding light on the impact of the slave trade, colonial rule, and economic exploitation. The […]

Walter Rodney’s “How Europe underdeveloped Africa”

SOAS, University of London , United Kingdom

SOAS and UCL scholars are getting together to discuss the book "How Europe underdeveloped Africa" in Central London. The book is an exploration of how European colonialism and exploitation shaped African economies. Rodney digs into the historical roots of underdevelopment, shedding light on the impact of the slave trade, colonial rule, and economic exploitation. The […]

Escuela de Verano de Economía Aplicada para América Latina (EVEAAL)

Mario de la Cueva, Coyoacan University City, Mexico City, Mexico CIty

The Postgraduate Program of the Faculty of Economics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), in collaboration with the Latin America Working Group, cordially invites you to apply for […]

YSI Toronto Hub

Toronto Metropolitan University 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Join us for regular meetups in Toronto! Our inaugural session will take place on 22 August 2022 and feature a short talk by Mike Cosh, with a presentation on the […]

7th Southern Hemisphere Economic History Summer School Organized By YSI & PHES

Universidad de la Républica (UdelaR) Constituyente, Montevideo, Uruguay, Uruguay

The Economic History Working Group of YSI and the Economic and Social History Program (Universidad de la República, Uruguay) announce the 7th Southern Hemisphere Economic History Summer School (SHEHSS VII), […]