Economía política feminista: abordajes teórico metodológicos para analizar las transformaciones actuales en Am. Latina

Edificio Volta Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Taller  Economía política feminista: abordajes teórico-metodológicos para el análisis de las transformaciones recientes en América Latina Algunos países de América Latina (Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México y Ecuador) tuvieron procesos de movilizaciones feministas masivas en el transcurso de los últimos diez años. Este momento de la segunda década del siglo XXI coincide con el fin […]

Inaugural Lecture & Panel discussion at EMC 2024

Boundary hall, MCA RG - 2, opposite Ongc, G Block BKC, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

The INET-YSI is collaborating with EMC 2024. The 4 day event spanning from December 10-13, 2024 at Mumbai, India, kick-starts with an EMC Inaugural Lecture jointly sponsored by INET-YSI on December 10, 2024 by Lant Pritchett on End of history to hell in a handbasket: How did we get here? INET-YSI x EMC is jointly […]

project Series Inaugural Lecture & Panel discussion at EMC 2024

Inaugural Lecture & Panel discussion at EMC 2024

Boundary hall, MCA RG - 2, opposite Ongc, G Block BKC, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

The INET-YSI is collaborating with EMC 2024. The 4 day event spanning from December 10-13, 2024 at Mumbai, India, kick-starts with an EMC Inaugural Lecture jointly sponsored by INET-YSI on December 10, 2024 by Lant Pritchett on End of history to hell in a handbasket: How did we get here? INET-YSI x EMC is jointly […]

YSI ANPEC Mentoring Session for Young Women Scholars

Serhs Natal Grand Hotel Via Costeira Senador Dinarte Medeiros Mariz, Natal, Brazil

Overview The Mentoring Session is a unique and valuable opportunity designed to support young Brazilian female scholars in the field of Economics. This workshop is specifically tailored for female graduate students and early-career scholars, with a particular focus on participants from Brazil’s Northeast region, as well as black and indigenous scholars. This initiative aims to […]

Workshop in Economics of Innovation, Complexity and Knowledge (WICK#12)

Collegio Carlo Alberto Piazza Vincenzo Arbarello, 8, Turin, TO, Italy

The Workshop in Economics of Innovation, Complexity and Knowledge (WICK#12) for doctoral students and young researchers is jointly organized by the Vilfredo Pareto Doctoral Program in Economics - University of Turin, BRICK and the YSI Complexity Economics Working Group, and each year it attracts about 20 young researchers in Economics and Social Sciences from all […]

Workshop in Economics of Innovation, Complexity and Knowledge (WICK#12)

Collegio Carlo Alberto Piazza Vincenzo Arbarello, 8, Turin, TO, Italy

The Workshop in Economics of Innovation, Complexity and Knowledge (WICK#12) for doctoral students and young researchers is jointly organized by the Vilfredo Pareto Doctoral Program in Economics - University of Turin, BRICK and the YSI Complexity Economics Working Group, and each year it attracts about 20 young researchers in Economics and Social Sciences from all […]

Milan Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Seminars (MInERS) – Second Meeting

University of Milan - Biccoca Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo, Milano, Città metropolitana di Milano, Italy

MInERS is seminar series organized by a network of scholars located in Milan dedicated to promoting events, networking and research in the area of Innovation, Science and Entrepreneurship. As part of this initiative, we promote participation in the DEMS Economics Seminar, scheduled for 16 December 2024, 16:00, at University of Milan - Biccoca in building […]

Integrating Gender Perspectives for Sustainable Climate Action in Southern Africa

Women's University in Africa Arcturus Road, Harare, Harare, Zimbabwe

Undoubtedly and undeniably so, climate change has had adverse impacts livelihoods across the globe.  Such impacts range from changes in rainfall patterns due to changes in temperature resulting in more severe and frequent storms causing unpredictable floods and longer-lasting droughts. There have been more frequent flooding and landslides, destroying homes and communities. Climate change has […]

Repositioning Early Career Legal Scholars for Emergent Technology and Business Models

Aare Afe Babalola Building, Nigerian Bar Association, NTC Road, Iyaganku GRA, Ibadan , Ibadan, Ibadan South West, Nigeria

Title: Repositioning Early Career Legal Scholars for Emergent Technology and Business Models Concept note: The relevance of law to the study of economics, and economic development cannot be overemphasized. This assertion finds validity against the backdrop that business and economic activities are only legal to the extent that they find expression within extant laws. Therefore, […]

Película – Tax Wars: Lucha contra la evasión fiscal

Facultad de Economía y Negocios Diagonal Paraguay, Santiago, Santiago, Chile

Young Scholar Initiative y el Observatorio de Políticas Económicas (OPES) te invitan a la presentación del documental Tax Wars: Lucha contra la evasión fiscal. Este documental cuenta con la participación de destacados expertos como Joseph Stiglitz, Jayati Ghosh y José Antonio Ocampo, quienes abordan temas cruciales sobre las multinacionales, las grandes fortunas y la urgente […]

‘Think in Ink’ Writing and Capacity Building Workshops for Humanities post-graduate students

National University of Lesotho P.O. 180, ROMA, Lesotho

‘Think in Ink’ Writing and Capacity Building Workshops for Humanities post-graduate students   National University of Lesotho   7-8 January 2025   Introduction Academic Writing is an integral part of all scholarly endeavours across all disciplines. It is the face and final reflection of all academic processes such as research, data analysis, and synthesis. Thus, […]

Money as if Finance Mattered

Freie Universitaet Berlin Kaiserswerther Straße, Berlin, Germany

Risking some oversimplification, contemporary economic thought on money and finance often spans from a Wicksellian approach, which underscores finance while treating money as relatively unimportant, to a broadly monetarist approach, which emphasizes money and frequently overlooks finance. Our gathering aims to address these divided perspectives by foregrounding the crucial, intertwined roles of money and finance […]