Repositioning Early Career Legal Scholars for Emergent Technology and Business Models

Aare Afe Babalola Building, Nigerian Bar Association, NTC Road, Iyaganku GRA, Ibadan , Ibadan, Ibadan South West, Nigeria

Title: Repositioning Early Career Legal Scholars for Emergent Technology and Business Models Concept note: The relevance of law to the study of economics, and economic development cannot be overemphasized. This […]

Película – Tax Wars: Lucha contra la evasión fiscal

Facultad de Economía y Negocios Diagonal Paraguay, Santiago, Santiago, Chile

Young Scholar Initiative y el Observatorio de Políticas Económicas (OPES) te invitan a la presentación del documental Tax Wars: Lucha contra la evasión fiscal. Este documental cuenta con la participación […]

Money as if Finance Mattered

Freie Universitaet Berlin Kaiserswerther Straße, Berlin, Germany

Risking some oversimplification, contemporary economic thought on money and finance often spans from a Wicksellian approach, which underscores finance while treating money as relatively unimportant, to a broadly monetarist approach, […]