ECLAC School of Latin American Development Studies (ELADES)

ECLAC , Chile

The Latin America Working Group of the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) is supporting the Program for Advanced Studies on Latin American Economies (ELADES, in Spanish) and will organize activities during […]

Economic Policies in the Context of the Socio-Ecological Transition

Berlin School of Economics and Law Berlin, Germany

Climate change (CC) is imposing a great challenge to humanity, both in the economic and social dimensions. Regarding the economic dimension, climate change increases physical risks on economic activities, due […]

YSI @ FMM Summer School

NA Berlin, Berlin, Germany

The FMM summer school has become a traditional summer school in post-Keynesian economics, and the KEWG is very happy to be part of it! The summer school will take place […]

Escuela de Verano de Economía Aplicada para América Latina (EVEAAL)

Mario de la Cueva, Coyoacan University City, Mexico City, Mexico CIty

The Postgraduate Program of the Faculty of Economics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), in collaboration with the Latin America Working Group, cordially invites you to apply for […]

YSI Session @ 9th Latin American Energy Economics Meeting (ELAEE)

PUC-Rio Rua Marquês de São Vicente, Gávea, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The YSI Sustainability WG will host a workshop at the 9th Latin American Energy Economics Meeting (ELAEE) that will take place in Rio de Janeiro, July 28 - 30, 2024.  ELAEE […]