Transforming the political economy of education in the 21st century

Salzderhelden Einbeck, Germany

Human intelligence evolved though the synergies of social living, tool crafting and cooperative activities. Our species’ history is defined by the emergence of intergenerational communities of interpersonal care, creative play […]

The Banks-NBFIs connection

Maurice Keyworth Building Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Since the Global Financial Crisis, Non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) have overshadowed banks as main players in different financial activities. Corporate funding, cross-border flows, and the administration of financial assets increasingly […]

Big Problems, New Solutions: Reimagining Economic Policy Making

SOAS 10 Thornhaugh St, London WC1H 0XG, UK, London, London, United Kingdom

In a world increasingly defined by overlapping crises, our societal and environmental resilience is pushed to its limits. Traditional economic thinking often falls short in addressing these interconnected challenges, highlighting the need for bold, creative, and collective responses. This moment calls for a resurgence of heterodox economic ideas, closely intertwined with policy-making and civil society […]

Pensamiento crítico y género, desafiando la economía tradicional

Facultad de Ciencias Económicas Gral. Alvear 843, San Salvador de Jujuy, Jujuy, Argentina

ENGLISH BELOW Este evento tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre las contribuciones de los feminismos a la economía y los desafíos que plantea a las visiones más tradicionales de la disciplina. […]

Pensamiento crítico y género, desafiando la economía tradicional

Facultad de Ciencias Económicas Gral. Alvear 843, San Salvador de Jujuy, Jujuy, Argentina

ENGLISH BELOW Este evento tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre las contribuciones de los feminismos a la economía y los desafíos que plantea a las visiones más tradicionales de la disciplina. […]