Early Career Researchers Series
Early Career Researchers Series, building on the success and intellectual foundation of our previous project, "Expanding the Frontier of Economics 1.0," we are thrilled to announce the launch of a […]
Early Career Researchers Series, building on the success and intellectual foundation of our previous project, "Expanding the Frontier of Economics 1.0," we are thrilled to announce the launch of a […]
The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) are excited to announce the Call for Papers for the upcoming Economic History Job Market Workshop, to […]
The purpose of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is to convene Member Countries every year to determine ambition and […]
Our reading group on the works of Thandika Mkandawire invites anyone interested in African development, heterodox economics, and critical perspectives on policy-making. Mkandawire, a Zimbabwean/Malawian economist and social scientist, is […]
The Money View Reading Group reads and discusses writings on money, banking, and finance. We are a self-directed group. Anyone interested in money and banking can read the readings, join […]
The YSI workshop at the G20 Social will delve into the intersection of justice and sustainability within the context of Brazil’s G20 Presidency. Exploring Brazil’s role on the global stage, […]
The Young Scholar Initiative of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (YSI/INET) Urban and Regional Economics Working Group (URE-WG) welcomes submissions to the ‘YSI Workshop on Smart Specialization for Sustainability’, […]
Ask any questions about how to run projects in YSI The conversation may cover: What it means to be an organizer in YSi How to think about projects in general […]
Description Since about 2000, especially with the Fast-Track Land Reform Program (FTLRP), then a few years later ‘indigenization policy’ Zimbabwe's political economy has undergone a very complex and multifaceted […]
*** SPANISH *** En esta confluencia de crisis sociales y ecológicas, ya no podemos permitirnos ser poco imaginativos;  ya no podemos permitirnos prescindir del pensamiento utópico. Estas crisis son demasiado serias y las posibilidades demasiado amplias  para ser resueltas por los modos habituales de pensamiento, las mismas sensibilidades que produjeron estas crisis en primer lugar.(Murray Bookchin, 1982) En la […]
Call for Presentation for an Online Webinar Series and book chapters With the support of the Institute for New Economic Thinking’s Young Scholars Initiative and Globalisation and Economy in a long-term perspective, we are hosting a series of webinars that bring together historians of economic thought from around the world who work on the History […]
In this paper, Danilo Spinola (Chairman) YSI community board examines the firm-level effects of Chinese manufacturing import penetration on the performance of manufacturing firms in Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) countries. We construct a dataset of 59 BRI member countries by combining firm-level data from the World Bank’s Enterprise Survey with industry-level data from the […]