Political Economy of Europe Working Group


How can we better understand the financial integration between the European economies? What are the best responses to a Euro Crisis. How do we  counter the imbalances between the members of the EU? Join us to discuss. 

Adam Kerenyi (Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence)
Leander Stähler (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Clara Heinrich (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)


Mandate (2024)

Research themes

  • Political Economy and Europe: The European Union in a Global Context
  • Europe as a Producer of Norms: The Political Economy of European Law and the ‘Brussels Effect’
  • Digital Technology in Europe: Digital Infrastructure, Technology Policy, Data and Artificial Intelligence
  • Social Europe: Solidarity, Healthcare, and Migration
  • Finance in Europe: Monetary and Fiscal policy, the Banking Union and Capital Markets Union
  • Europe and Democracy: Enlargement of the EU, British Exit from the EU, Effects of the War in Ukraine on the Political Economy of Europe
  • Europe and the Environment: The EU Green Deal, Just Transition, Climate Change, Common Agricultural Policy

Research questions

  • What are characteristics of the political economy of the European Union? How can it be conceptualised? How is “Europe” different
  • What role do norms and laws play in the European Union and the European project? Should EU rules and norms have global significance?
  • Which digital technologies define Europe’s political-economic paradigms? What is the European Union doing differently regarding infrastructures, data and artificial intelligence?
  • What is the future for a “Social Europe”? How does the EU’s political economy impact institutions of solidarity? What changes is Europe experiencing in the political economy of healthcare and the political economy of migration?
  • Which financial paradigms define Europe’s political economy? Where shifts in monetary and fiscal policies be situated? How are European projects such as the Banking Union or the Capital Markets Union impacting the financial landscape?
  • What role does democracy play in shaping the political economy of Europe? What questions does this raise for non-EU countries? What do the specific contexts of the United Kingdom and of Ukraine indicate about the political economy of Europe?

Projects Planned 

  • Italian Association for the History of Political Economy (STOREP) YSI Pre-Conference 2024
  • Political Economy of the Digital Euro (Fireside Chat with Bob Seeman)
  • Kick-off event (in-person) on one of the topics above, Winter 2024

Existing partnerships and cooperation 

  • Italian Association for the History of Political Economy (STOREP)


You’re welcome to join any webinar or reading group at any time. You’re also invited to apply to present or participate in an any in-person workshop in your area. 



The latest updates and announcements, sent out to all working group members via email.
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