Special Projects

For two projects a year, the coordinators of a working group can request “special project” status. This unlocks a higher budget and a larger number of stipends, allowing for the group to maximize the project’s strategic impact. 

YSI’s policy on Special Projects


Two projects in each working group may be elevated to special status within the term of a yearly mandate. Only the coordinators of a group can request that a project be considered special, and all three coordinators need to agree. Ideally, special projects are agreed upon in the annual working group meeting and indicated in the working group mandate. Special projects are deemed especially important for strategic or community building purposes, and thus may receive a higher level financial and logistical support.

Special Project Budgets

Instead of the regular cap of $3000, special projects can request up to $6000 towards:

• Speaker travel
• Accommodation
• Catering
• Venue cost
• Other local event costs

Special Project Stipends
  • Organizer stipends: Up to three organizers may receive a travel stipend equivalent to their travel expenses incurred.
  • Participant stipends: A project proposal may also request travel stipends. A moderate amount of regional stipends, and a moderate amount of intercontinental travel may be provided.

If two working groups agree to request a special project, the following applies:
The budget for all locally incurred costs must be included, may not exceed $6000.

  • Organizer stipends: Up to five organizers may receive a travel stipend equivalent to their travel expenses incurred.
  • Participant stipends: A project proposal may also request travel stipends. A high amount of regional stipends, and a moderate amount of intercontinental travel may be provided.

To ensure that a special project can achieve its intended impact, it must be organized with ample time. Make sure to plan at least four months in advance to make sure that selections, logistical arrangements, and funding arrangements can be carried out properly.


How to create a special project

Follow the following process

  1. Discuss the project and it’s strategic potential with your fellow coordinators. Evaluate the project in the context of the other projects the group has planned for the year. 
  2. Determine your own roles in the project. Ideally, at least one of you can be closely involved to ensure the project’s success. 
  3. Reach agreement on whether to make the project special or not. 
  4. Submit the special project form to the YSI Management Team for approval.
  5. Ensure the project is submitted through the system, along with its budget, just like any other project.


A project can be strategic for the group if there is good reason to believe that it will

  • lead to continued engagement into the future
  • bring in new organizers
  • solidify a valuable partnership
  • open up connections in an underexplored region

Two per mandate cycle. Mandates are typically set once a year, and finalized by April 1st.

Organizers may submit a project idea indicating that they would like to request a special project or contact the coordinators and ask that their project be made special. It is up to the coordinators to decide if that project meets the strategic mandate of the working group. If approved by all three coordinators complete the special project form.

No, it’s not too late. You can still create special projects at any time during the year. Just make sure you follow the above process.


Yes – if the budget is still under discussion, you can still turn a regular project into a special project. Just make sure you follow the above process.