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Nationality: Argentina

Affiliation: City, University of London. CONICET-Argentina

Student status: University Faculty

Level of education: Ph.D.

Field of Study: Economics

Joined: April 6, 2017

Cecilia Rikap

London, GB

Member: History of Economic Thought, Gender and Economics, Core, Commons, Economics of Innovation

Organizer: States and Markets

Research Interests

  • Classical Political Economy
  • Capitalism
  • Commons
  • Education
  • History of Economic Thought
  • Inequality
  • Innovation
  • Marxian Economics
  • Philosophy of Economics
  • Political Philosophy
  • Teaching Economics
  • Value Theory


Lecturer in International Political Economy at City, University of London. Tenure researcher at the CONICET, Argentina’s national research council, and associate researcher at the Centre de Population et Développement (CEPED), IRD/Université de Paris and at the COSTECH lab, Université de Technologie de Compiègne. Cecilia is also lecturer at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. I am also board member of the “Friends of EPOG (Economic Policies for the Global Transition)" Association. I study the rising concentration of intangible assets, focusing on power relations and the distribution of data and innovation economic gains, resulting geopolitical tensions, and the effects on the knowledge commons and development.

About my research

MMy research deals with economics of science, technology and innovation from an international or global perspective, focusing on power relations within innovation processes, circulation and assetization of intangibles -both knowledge and data- and their implications for academic research. Within this context, I also work on how researchers’ evaluation criteria affects global and local research agendas and for the case of developing countries, how it enables knowledge extractivism from public semi-peripheral institutions that is monetized by big corporations from core countries. I am currently focused on Intellectual Monopolies in the context of Industry 4.0 in an interdisciplinary team with colleagues from Mexico, France and Argentina, and, together with Ben A. K Lundvall, we are working on the interplays between US big tech intellectual monopolies (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft), their counterparts in China and the US and Chinese states. I synthesize theoretical debates with empirical analyses (network analyses complemented with qualitative methodologies).