YSI Member Profile Image

Nationality: Turkey

Affiliation: Assistant Professor

Student status: Don't share

Level of education: Ph.D.

Field of Study: Economics

Joined: November 9, 2016

Merve Burnazoglu

Amsterdam, NL

Member: Cooperatives, Keynesian Economics, Gender and Economics, Latin America, Africa, Core, States and Markets, Behavior and Society, Commons, Finance, Law, and Economics, Complexity Economics, Inequality, Economic Development

Organizer: History of Economic Thought, Philosophy of Economics

Research Interests

  • Assumptions of Economic Theory
  • Austrian economics
  • Capitalism
  • Classical Political Economy
  • Complexity Economics
  • Critical Theory
  • Culture and Norms
  • Distribution
  • Economic Modeling
  • Economic Sociology
  • Evolutionary economics
  • Gender and Economics
  • History of Economic Thought
  • Imperfect Knowledge Economics
  • Inequality
  • Labor markets
  • Migration
  • Philosophy of Economics
  • Political Economy
  • Political Philosophy
  • Race and Economics
  • Social Justice
  • Social welfare
  • Teaching Economics
  • Uncertainty
  • Welfare Economics


I am an Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Politics and Economics as part of the Applied Economics Section at the Utrecht University School of Economics, Netherlands. My main research is in Political Economy and Methodology. Currently, I am developing a research agenda on the political economy and methodology of AI that investigates the role of algorithms/AI in tackling or reproducing stratification that is defined as identity-based structural inequalities. Other research fields and topics of my interest are Methodology, Philosophy, and History of Economics, Institutional Economics, Stratification Economics, and Evolutionary Economics applied to modeling, measurement, and policy-making practices about identity, stratification, justice, and migrants' integration. My PhD dissertation is titled “Inequalities Beyond the Average Man: The Political Economy of Identity-Based Stratification Mechanisms in Markets and Policy,” and supervised by John B. Davis and Marcel Boumans. It presents political economy and methodological investigations of identity and identity-based stratification mechanisms in migration and integration-related analysis of markets and policy. It is an attempt to open the black boxes of inequality gaps, identities, and the mechanisms that produce and reproduce a structural relationship between them. I earned an MSc in Economics, with a specialization in Public Policy Analysis and Philosophical Foundations from Aix-Marseille School of Economics and a BSc in Economics from the Hacettepe University. I had a fast track in MA in Philosophy & Economics at the University of Bayreuth and an exchange year at the University of Strasbourg. I am also a Mercatus Center Adam Smith Fellow at George Mason University for which I have been working on various schools of political economy in addition to my research at the Utrecht University, and one of the guest editors of an upcoming Special Issue on "Stratification Economics: Rethinking Forms and Explanations of Inequality" in the Review of Evolutionary Political Economy. I coordinate research and organizational activities on Social Economics at the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) and the listserv of the Association for Social Economics (ASE).