![YSI Member Profile Image](https://ysi.ineteconomics.org/wp-content/uploads/user-registration/6568958d20666.jpg)
Nationality: Kenya
Affiliation: The University of Edniburgh
Student status: Student
Level of education: Masters degree
Field of Study: Other Social Sciences
Joined: March 28, 2019
Timothy Bisakaya
Nairobi, KE
Member: Cooperatives, Latin America, Urban and Regional Economics, Africa, Core, States and Markets, Behavior and Society, Finance, Law, and Economics
Organizer: Finance, Law, and Economics, Urban and Regional Economics
Working groups
Research Interests
- Africa
- Climate change
- Cooperatives
- Global Value Chains
- Globalization
- Governance
- History of Economic Thought
- Inequality
- Informal Economy