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Workshop with Margarita Olivera – What does “feminist” mean when talking about political economy?
1ªConferência Internacional MarxismoFeminista
Faculdade de filosofia, letras e ciências humanas da universidade de São Paulo, Butanta, Sao Paulo, 05508-080

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YSI Presenters
After many years as an educational platform and virtual debate hub, Marxismo Feminista is organizing its First International Conference on Marxist Feminism. To date, various debates, conversations, and free courses have been held on their website (marxismofeminista.com) focused on feminist theorists who have influenced the field of feminist economics the most in recent years which include: Nancy Fraser, Silvia Federici, Lise Vogel and Cinzzia Arruzza, among others.
The First International Conference on Marxist Feminism which will be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil from April 22 – 26 April 2024, is intended to be an interdisciplinary conference in the field of social sciences. While economics is not the exclusive focus, it will be an important component in all the panels and roundtable discussions.
The YSI Pre Conference Workshop will take place on 22 April 2024 and will include a keynote address by Margarita Olivera (UFRJ) on her dissertation which focuses on the question: “What does feminist mean in political economy?”. After her presentation, young scholars will have the opportunity to share their papers or ongoing research and receive feedback.
We invite all young scholars interested in Feminist Political Economy to submit and present their papers or ongoing research projects on but not limited to the following issues:
- Social Reproduction Theory;
- History of economic thought with a Marxist or feminist perspective;
- Quantitative and qualitative approaches to gender, class and race;
- Transformations in the labour market;
- Geopolitical and economic analysis of capitalism in crisis;
- Theory of Value; and
- Economic perspectives from social movements.
As this is an in-person only event (and to encourage young scholars and early career participation) selected participants, prioritizing those based in the region, could be eligible for financial support for travel and accommodation for the pre-conference and main conference.