
What are projects?

Throughout the year, YSI’ers organize projects to further their research interests. Some happen online, others take place in-person. Some are one-offs, others are structured as a series. Sometimes, projects consist of peer-to-peer discussions. Other times, a senior scholar is invited to join.

Can I attend?

Virtual projects are always open to anyone interested at any time.  For in-person projects, it varies. Local meet-ups are open to anyone who wants to show up. Workshops and pre-conferences typically involve an application process. Selected young scholars are usually invited to present and may receive support towards their travel. 

Calendar of Projects

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

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F Fri

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S Sun

3 projects,

ECLAC School of Latin American Development Studies (ELADES)

YSI- ERSA Workshop: Young Scholars At The Edge Of Regional Science

Pre-conference and poster session at 19th International Conference on Public Policy & Management, IIM Bangalore

4 projects,

3 projects,

2 projects,

YSI @ The Economy of Francesco International Summer School 2024 | La Verna

2 projects,

4 projects,

6 projects,

Industrial development, cooperatives, and the ecological transition: Basque Country and Beyond

project Series

Industrial development, cooperatives, and the ecological transition: Basque Country and Beyond

project Series

7 projects,

Economic Thinking and Economic Development in Africa – Past, Present and Prospects for the Future

- project Series

Writing and Researching on the Global South: Shared Experiences and Reflections in social science/humanities

4 projects,

Call for papers: Rethinking the Development of Latin America and the Caribbean

5 projects,

8 projects,

Socially engaged science. Perspectives from political economy, philosophy and history of science & STS

Pre-conference YSI-RSA Workshop – Sustainable pathways in CEE and SEE regional transition

6 projects,

YSI @ Workshop on Southeast Asia Economic Development in the Post-Pandemic Era

2 projects,

Young Scholars and Emerging Leaders Workshop on Housing, Sustainable Cities and Regional Economic Sustainability

project Series

2 projects,

5 projects,

5 projects,

Does the circular economy really lead to a reduction in energy and material consumption?

7 projects,

Navigating the Academic Terrain for Early Career Scholars: Thoughts and Reflections

1 project,

3 projects,

- project Series

III Mercosur SME Network Research Colloquium for PhD and Master’s students

7 projects,

YSI Africa Pre-Conference at the 17th Annual Meeting of the AEHN

- project Series

YSI Pre-Meeting GeFam Mentoring Session on Research and Career


History of Economic Thought Society of Australia 2024 Conference Event for Young Scholars

4 projects,

YSI Workshop alongside 3rd Africa Convention on Social and Economic Wellbeing

7 projects,

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Accelerating Vietnam’s Circular Economy Transition: Importance, Necessity, and Future Pathways

1 project,

1 project,

1 project,

0 projects,

0 projects,

0 projects,

0 projects,

Apply to participate in-person

These projects are currently calling for applicants.

Application requirements vary, but often involve an abstract and a motivation. You’re welcome to apply to any project, but please be aware that stipend budgets are always limited. You may be more likely to be admitted to projects taking place in your own geographic region (a train ride or short flight away).


Start your own project!

If you’d like to take an active role in your Working Group, you can become an Organizer, and run your own Webinars, Workshops, and other projects. Coordinators are there to support you.