
What are projects?

Throughout the year, YSI’ers organize projects to further their research interests. Some happen online, others take place in-person. Some are one-offs, others are structured as a series. Sometimes, projects consist of peer-to-peer discussions. Other times, a senior scholar is invited to join.

Can I attend?

Virtual projects are always open to anyone interested at any time.  For in-person projects, it varies. Local meet-ups are open to anyone who wants to show up. Workshops and pre-conferences typically involve an application process. Selected young scholars are usually invited to present and may receive support towards their travel. 

Calendar of Projects

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

S Sun

2 projects,

Deepening Involvements: Empowering Early Career Professions for Contemporary Challenges through the Cooperative Model.

Virtual Project Virtual Project
- project Series

Canceled Reading Thandika Mkandawire

2 projects,

2 projects,

Taller YSI: Medición del trabajo colaborativo para la formulación de políticas culturales

4 projects,

Virtual Project Virtual Project
- project Series

Session 3 of Exploring the Dark Side of the Moon: The History of Economics in the Global South

3 projects,

2 projects,

International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Privacy, and Governance

1 project,

1 project,

1 project,

3 projects,

7th Southern Hemisphere Economic History Summer School Organized By YSI & PHES

3 projects,

YSI-Session Workshop on New Developmentalism: Macroeconomic Development for the Global South

3 projects,

YSI UK Hub Workshop

0 projects,

3 projects,

Virtual Project Virtual Project
- project Series

Canceled Reading Thandika Mkandawire


Economía política feminista: abordajes teórico metodológicos para analizar las transformaciones actuales en Am. Latina

Virtual Project Virtual Project
- project Series

Postponed Science, Technology, Innovation and Development Policy Experiences in Latin America & the Caribbean

3 projects,

3 projects,

3 projects,

0 projects,

0 projects,

1 project,

3 projects,

2 projects,

0 projects,

0 projects,

0 projects,

0 projects,

0 projects,

1 project,

0 projects,

1 project,

0 projects,

0 projects,

0 projects,

0 projects,

1 project,

1 project,

0 projects,

0 projects,

0 projects,

0 projects,

Apply to participate in-person

These projects are currently calling for applicants.

Application requirements vary, but often involve an abstract and a motivation. You’re welcome to apply to any project, but please be aware that stipend budgets are always limited. You may be more likely to be admitted to projects taking place in your own geographic region (a train ride or short flight away).


Start your own project!

If you’d like to take an active role in your Working Group, you can become an Organizer, and run your own Webinars, Workshops, and other projects. Coordinators are there to support you.