Calendar of Projects

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2 projects,

Deepening Involvements: Empowering Early Career Professions for Contemporary Challenges through the Cooperative Model.

Virtual Project Virtual Project
- project Series

Canceled Reading Thandika Mkandawire

2 projects,

2 projects,

Taller YSI: Medición del trabajo colaborativo para la formulación de políticas culturales

4 projects,

Virtual Project Virtual Project
- project Series

Session 3 of Exploring the Dark Side of the Moon: The History of Economics in the Global South

3 projects,

2 projects,

International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Privacy, and Governance

1 project,

1 project,

1 project,

3 projects,

7th Southern Hemisphere Economic History Summer School Organized By YSI & PHES

3 projects,

YSI-Session Workshop on New Developmentalism: Macroeconomic Development for the Global South

3 projects,

YSI UK Hub Workshop

0 projects,

3 projects,

Virtual Project Virtual Project
- project Series

Canceled Reading Thandika Mkandawire


Economía política feminista: abordajes teórico metodológicos para analizar las transformaciones actuales en Am. Latina

Virtual Project Virtual Project
- project Series

Postponed Science, Technology, Innovation and Development Policy Experiences in Latin America & the Caribbean

3 projects,

3 projects,

3 projects,

0 projects,

0 projects,

1 project,

3 projects,

2 projects,

0 projects,

0 projects,

0 projects,

0 projects,

0 projects,

1 project,

0 projects,

1 project,

0 projects,

0 projects,

0 projects,

0 projects,

1 project,

1 project,

0 projects,

0 projects,

0 projects,

0 projects,