Money View Reading Group
Money View Reading Group
The Money View Reading Group reads and discusses writings on money, banking, and finance. We are a self-directed group. Anyone interested in money and banking can read the readings, join […]
The Money View Reading Group reads and discusses writings on money, banking, and finance. We are a self-directed group. Anyone interested in money and banking can read the readings, join […]
SOAS and UCL scholars are getting together to discuss the book "How Europe underdeveloped Africa" in Central London. The book is an exploration of how European colonialism and exploitation shaped African economies. Rodney digs into the historical roots of underdevelopment, shedding light on the impact of the slave trade, colonial rule, and economic exploitation. The […]
Drawing from his latest book, Edible Economics, Ha-Joon Chang discusses the misconceptions of poverty in the Global South using the analogy of coconuts and pina coladas. Join us for a […]
The Keynesian Economics Working Group is glad to announce its participation at the 50th Eastern Economics Association Conference, to be held in Boston between Feb. 29th to Mar. 03rd 2024. At this event, we will have the opportunity do discuss the different economic challenges that we globally face, like the many consequences of the armed […]
The Money View Reading Group reads and discusses writings on money, banking, and finance. We are a self-directed group. Anyone interested in money and banking can read the readings, join […]
The BRICS bloc, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, represents over 25% of the world's GDP and 42% of its population. By 2030, these nations are expected to constitute more than half of the global GDP. However, they face unique governance challenges, including sustainable development, digital transformation, financial inclusion, and data privacy. In […]
The BRICS bloc, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, represents over 25% of the world's GDP and 42% of its population. By 2030, these nations are expected to constitute more than half of the global GDP. However, they face unique governance challenges, including sustainable development, digital transformation, financial inclusion, and data privacy. In […]
Over the last decades, innovation has gained increasing importance, both in academia and in public discourse, due to its relevance in promoting catch-up, economic growth, and productivity, among other factors. However, the approaches to how innovation is promoted and diffused vary significantly, not only across different schools of thought that address this issue but also […]
Join the YSI Gender and Sustainability working group for a half-day, in-person Meet and Greet at Baze University Abuja. This gathering will be a side event hosted alongside activities for the 2024 Tech Community Impact Week. The Tech Community Impact Week includes Women in Tech visiting from Silicon Valley in the US to Nigeria between […]
“Adam Smith: Connections” YSI Pre International Adam Smith Society Conference Workshop in Tokyo, 10th March 2024 This pre-conference workshop offers young and early career scholars working on Adam Smith a chance to discuss their work in detail with peers in a friendly and supportive context, and to get feedback from world-leading Smith scholars. Introduction The […]
The Money View Reading Group reads and discusses writings on money, banking, and finance. We are a self-directed group. Anyone interested in money and banking can read the readings, join […]
SOAS and UCL scholars are getting together to discuss the book "How Europe underdeveloped Africa" in Central London. The book is an exploration of how European colonialism and exploitation shaped […]
Ask any questions about how to run projects in YSI The conversation may cover: What it means to be an organizer in YSi How to think about projects in general […]
Gender inequality is a significant obstacle to socio- economic and political development in Southern Africa and has a far-reaching impact on various aspects of societal development. Despite the presence of […]
(ENGLISH ABOVE) En el VIII Congreso de Economía Feminista que tuvo lugar en marzo de 2023 en Barcelona, España, se planteó una propuesta para la organización de un futuro congreso […]
Macroeconomía y género Montevideo, 19 y 20 de marzo de 2024 Objetivos La organización de estas actividades tiene tres objetivos. Discutir con docentes y jóvenes investigadores como incluir la dimensión de género en la enseñanza de la macroeconomía en los niveles de grado y postgrado Discutir con aquellos trabajando en el diseño e […]
Within the framework of the global commitments regarding the transition to a low-carbon economy ratified at COP 27 in Dubai, as well as the individual commitments assumed by Latin American […]
The Money View Reading Group reads and discusses writings on money, banking, and finance. We are a self-directed group. Anyone interested in money and banking can read the readings, join […]
A fireside chat on CBDCs and stablecoins offers a valuable opportunity to exchange ideas, share perspectives, and deepen understanding of the evolving landscape of digital currencies and its implications for […]
The Young Scholars Initiative and Cedeplar (Federal University of Minas Gerais) welcome submissions for a one-day workshop designed for undergraduate, master's, and PhD students currently engaged in History of Economic Thought. Scheduled for March 25th, 2024, at the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Belo Horizonte (Brazil), this workshop will feature mentors Alexandre Mendes Cunha […]
The Money View Reading Group reads and discusses writings on money, banking, and finance. We are a self-directed group. Anyone interested in money and banking can read the readings, join […]
The Money View Reading Group reads and discusses writings on money, banking, and finance. We are a self-directed group. Anyone interested in money and banking can read the readings, join […]
SOAS and UCL scholars are getting together to discuss the book "How Europe underdeveloped Africa" in Central London. The book is an exploration of how European colonialism and exploitation shaped […]
Dear Members of the Philosophy of Economics WG, come join us to shape the the working group activities for 2024! As the Philosophy of Economics WG, we are organizing a […]
Dear Members of the Sustainability WG, come join us to shape the the working group activities for 2024! As the Sustainability WG, we are organizing a meeting at 6:30 pm […]