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YSI @ III Agent-Based Models in Economics Seasonal School 2024 | Sant’Anna

YSI @ III ABM Seasonal School 2024

Start time:

July 8, 2024 - July 12, 2024



Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa


Summer school


The economy is a complex and ever-changing system that requires sophisticated analytical tools to understand its many dimensions. As young researchers, we often grapple with how to account for heterogeneity, interactions, non-linearities, path-dependency, and tipping points, among other factors.

That’s where agent-based models come in. These powerful tools can help us tackle the complexity of the economy. In this project, we will learn and explore together the frontiers of macro ABM and how it can help us answer the most pressing economic questions of our time.

Our project is a partnership with the Institute of Economics at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, which offers a seasonal school on “Agent-Based Models in Economics: Theory, Toolkit, and Policy Laboratories.” This year’s school follows the success of the 2022 and 2023 editions and includes discussions organized by the YSI side event, lectures on ABM techniques, software labs to develop and design models, and instruction on how to analyze data produced by ABMs.

By participating in this program, selected students will acquire the technical and methodological skills necessary to successfully develop and analyze simulation models in their research projects. Whether as part of a PhD or research paper, this training will allow them to use ABMs as a valuable tool to gain insights into the economy’s workings

More information about the school can be found here. The school is aimed for Master and Ph.D. students enrolled in Economics curricula, while applicants from other disciplines are also welcomed.

Selected participants will be offered partial travel stipends by the YSI. There is a fee for attending the school, which fully covers accommodation and food during the Seasonal School. Unfortunately, the fee cannot be covered by YSI. As part of this partnership with YSI, the Institute of Economics at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna will waive the fees for a selected number of YSI participants based in the Global South.


To be considered for the waive fee you SHALL also subscribe for the reduced tuition fee in the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna website, sending documents proving limited income (e.g proof of receipt of scholarship, income tax, etc), otherwise you will have to cover the complete submission fee by yourself. Please, also notice that the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna will ONLY cover the fee for YSI’s members from the global South that subscribed for both process (YSI and Sant’Anna website) and who asked for the reduction fee attaching proof documents. 

Also, note that in order to be considered for the YSI travel stipend it is required to apply BOTH to the Seasonal School and to the YSI selection. These are separate processes and the selection for the Seasonal School by the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna works on a “first come, first served” basis, while the YSI selection process will take place after the deadline on April 29th, 2024. The YSI’s selection divulgation will only take place after the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna decision.

Hosted by Working Group(s):