7th International FMM Summer School | July 28th—August 2nd, 2019 in Berlin

We are happy to announce a new collaboration with the Forum for Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM), which is organizing its 7th FMM International Summer School “Keynesian Macroeconomics and European Economic Policies” between July 28th and August 2nd in Berlin (Germany). A selected number of students will receive a partial travel stipend from YSI based on their application and travel requirements.

The summer school aims at providing an introduction to Keynesian macroeconomics and to the problems of European economic policies to interested graduate students (MA and PhD) and junior researchers. It will consist of overview lectures, a panel discussion, student study groups, and a poster session. The summer school will feature leading international researchers in the area. Accepted participants will have to pay a fee of 100 Euro for accommodation and meals. More information can be found at: https://www.boeckler.de/veranstaltung_116545.htm#

The deadline for applications is March 15th, 2019. The FMM application form is available here: https://de.xing-events.com/fmmsummer2019.html?fbclid=IwAR0YIcc9NVONsONZlsVWJcTvciGn_Hj3-D43gMl7UfNZH3BUu8CRGrGCvwo and the YSI motivation for funding form is available here: https://goo.gl/forms/YWO9VMOlo9M9h2bW2. Please note that you must complete both forms in order to be considered for the partial travel stipend from YSI in case of acceptance to the summer school.