Dear all,
we are very excited to host a working-group special project during the IIPPE-conference this year, 3rd – 7th of September in Istanbul.
We are organising a full day workshop with two YSI sessions and an idea/brainstorming/networking session in the evening for future projects, collaboration and events.
The workshop invites contributions on the broad subject of ‘states’ and/vs. ‘market’, their history, power struggles, imbedded division of labour between the two and their effects on social realities. In other words:
- How the state/market dynamics materializes in social realities (feminist policies, spatial inequalities and residential segregation, industrial and innovation policy, and many more).
- Legal foundations of markets, their protection and the state as a source of protection as well as violence of last resort. The State as guarantor of the continuity of colonial practices.
- Macro theories of imperialism and states, the historic tango of market creation and imperial states, state authorized trading monopolies and many more.
- Current developments of the two within our financialized and digitalized era of capitalism and the alternate closeness and distance between the two over the past 50 years.
We are aiming to support young scholar in travel, accommodation and conference fee payment.
Please share your thoughts with us on the application form and looking forward to a vibrant event:
Best wishes,