Become a YSI organizer! Next uyea

Dear members of the Economics of Innovation WG,

As 2020 draws to a close, we wanted to say a huge thank you for being part of YSI and our working group over the year. We are immensely grateful to everyone who participated in the YSI plenary, particularly those of you who coordinated or presented as part of the Economics of Innovation WG events. As you’ll hopefully agree, our sessions (and the whole plenary) were a huge success, and we are confident that going forward our working group will continue to grow and thrive.

During the plenary and since then, we have had a number of exciting conversations with members who have ideas for events and projects they would like to organize in the new year. To get the ball rolling on these – and on ideas from anyone we haven’t yet spoken to – we want to invite you to an Intro Meeting for New Coordinators on Wednesday 20 January 2021 from 17.00-18.00 UTC. You will be able to join this event via Zoom using this link: We will provide an overview of the processes and next steps for submitting an event proposal, and provide support for developing your event idea as well. We look forward to seeing you there!

We are also planning to host a reading group for the Working Group in the new year and have created a poll that you can vote on (and also add options!) Please vote and add suggestions if you are interested in joining here:

In the meantime, if you’re celebrating christmas, we hope you have the best time possible within the current constraints, and look forward to more activities and ideas sharing in the new year!

Best wishes,

Darío, Fernanda and Rosie