Common Minimum Standard of Operations for YSI Working Groups

Thanks to the CRC for their work on this. Any update on when the next listening session will be?

I thought Ingrid made some good points regarding the document. Some of the guidelines seem either too vague to be serviceable or else arbitrary.

Outside of this document, I'm wondering if there are any other updates on what the CRC has accomplished and learned over the past year (I may have missed this completely since I did not attend the festival, but a short report along these lines would be very helpful). Also, what is the agenda for the CRC for the upcoming year? One thing I would like to see the CRC do this year is circulate a community-wide survey and make the results of the survey visible to the whole community (of course respondents can be anonymous and the results could be aggregated). I think it's great that the CRC conducted interviews with a few coordinators over the past year, but I think a community-wide survey might be just as informative.