Data Visualization and Augmented Reality @ Festival for New Econ Thinking

Hello everyone,

We have now started working on the data visualization project which will be realized at the Festival in the form of an augmented reality experience. After talking to the person who will be responsible for this part of the event I have the following points which you should keep in mind if you want to submit your data for the project:

1) You need to send us the data in csv format.
2) You need to make sure that there is a clear story – explain to us what you would like to represent and depict it in a graph. We would like to have the groups submit their visualizations in the Processing format. Processing is a free software library available at
There are extensive tutorials available here:
Processing is pretty easy to learn, especially if people have experience with Java.

There are a ton of other examples here:

Considering that there is a Call for Data Visualization going on this could maybe be combined with some of the entries that are submitted.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Have a nice week,