Fiscal austerity and economic reforms in the 21st century

The SEP (Political Economy Society – in Brazil) organizes ENEP (National Encounter of Political Economy) annually. This is a very well-established event which will have its 25th edition in 2020. At the most recent edition there were one hundred and twenty papers presented in regular sessions. SEP is markedly one of the most important institutions promoting pluralistic economic theory in Brazil. This reflects in a very broad based event which accepts papers in eight different areas for alternative economic thinking: methodology and history of economic thought; economic history and Brazilian economy; theory of value, capitalism and socialism; National States and social policy; money, international finance, and growth; agriculture, space and environment in capitalist development; labor and society; accumulation, industry and technological change. ENEP is divided into two main parts. In the two first days, there are activities (workshops and meetings) of SEP’s working groups. In the other two days there are regular sessions for presentation of papers. The event will take place in Salvador, Brazil, on 2-5 June 2020.

More details about SEP at:

The Keynesian economics, Latin America and States and Markets working groups are glad to announce the YSI Pre-Conference Workshop @ ENEP about "Fiscal austerity and economic reforms in the 21st century." This theme has been gaining relevance as several economies around the world carry out economic reforms to comply with fiscal austerity measures. This workshop aims to promote a debate underpinned by alternative perspectives and also to stimulate young scholars researching this theme. Activities will begin with an lecture by Professor Massimo Pivetti (University of Rome – Sapienza). Another scholar will be invited to debate. A total of six young scholars will be selected to receive accommodation and partial travel stipends to attend the workshop and the rest of the conference. Three out of the six selected young scholar will present their papers about the workshop’s theme (Fiscal austerity and economic reforms in the 21st century), with comments from the invited scholar and from the invited debater.

To apply:
Young scholars interested in attending must submit a motivation letter (max. of 1000 words). Those interested in presenting their work at the workshop
must submit a motivation letter and an abstract (max. of 3000 words) . The submission deadline is April 1st. In case of acceptance, full papers, including an abstract of max. 200 words are due by May 22. Abstract and full paper will be accepted in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Presentation, however, must be in English.

For more information, please access the the project at YSD: