INET Future of Work Series | Follow-up Discussions

Dear all,
I hope you are doing well and staying safe. In the upcoming months, INET will be organizing a series of webinars around different issues regarding the Future of Work featuring world-leading economists. You can find more information here:

Directly after the conclusion of the main sessions, YSI will be hosting engaging discussion sessions which aim to spur further conversation around the future of work, debate the questions raised, and plant the seeds for further collaboration amongst all interested participants. The sessions will kicked off with a quick recap of points raised in the main session and last will 45 minutes. Please find the event and more information here:

The follow-up sessions are open to anyone interested in further conversation and exploration of the themes the main session touched upon, so please feel free to join! The sessions will be moderated by members of the Young Scholars Initiative. Early career scholars and/or professionals will serve as discussants of the main session to briefly prepare for fruitful discussion in which each participant can equally engage. Anyone interested in developing deeper engagement and projects is especially encouraged to join.

We encourage you to share questions you have on the future of work by submitting them into this form (

We'll be discussing your questions during the follow-up sessions.
Select questions may be posed to the panelists at the INET Future of Work Series
We will add your questions to virtual conference environment at the YSI Virtual Plenary: New Economic Questions
22 September, 12pm ET | What's at Stake?
Mike Spence, James Manyika, Steve Clemons
Discussant in follow-up session: Lara Merling (International Trade Union Confederation)

29 September, 11am ET | What is Technology? Accelerator, Enabler, Displacer?
Long Chen, Anton Korinek, John Van Reenen
Discussant in follow-up session: Cecilia Rikap

06 October, 12pm ET | Is this Time Different? Artificial Intelligence & Robots
Jed Kolko, Sidarth Suri
Discussants in the follow-up session: Fei-fei Li, Shu Li, Thomas Herndon

13 October, 12pm ET | Bad Timing – Offshoring Meets Automation
Damon Silvers, Brad DeLong

27 October, 12pm ET | The Future of Work – How will Work be Different?
Erik Brynjolfsson, Kai-fu Lee

10 November, 12pm ET | Who's Not Afraid of Robots? A Comparison of National Models
Leif Pagrotsky, Richard Baldwin, Gillian Tett

2 December, 12pm ET | Meaningful Integration Or Jobless Future?
Daron Acemoglu, Rob Johnson

12 January, 12pm ET | Are Redistribution Policies Enough?
Gordon Hanson, Laura Tyson, Rana Foroohar

19 January, 12pm ET | Making Technologies Work for All
Jennifer Harris (tbc), Tess Posner, Mariana Mazzucato (tbc)

26 January, 12pm ET | Breaking the Taboo – Industrial Policy for the 21st Century
Dani Rodrik, Laura Tyson

2 February, 12pm ET | Economic and Social Policies for the Digital Era
Pavlina Tcherneva, Andrew Yang (tbc), Tim O'Reilly