The Workshop will be held in the University of Costa Rica, in beginning of May. This is a great opportunity for you to share your work regarding the following research themes: Social Fiscal Policies and Welfare Systems; Labor markets, Wage Dynamics and Working Conditions; Income Distribution, Inequality and Well-being; and Political Economy, Voting Attitudes, Policy Compliance and Societal Change.
The idea is to have a whole session of YSI students presenting their research. With this, we intend to start a new collaboration between WAPLAC and YSI for future projects. This two-day conference aims to take stock of recent research on fiscal and welfare policies, inequality, wellbeing, labor market dynamics, support for democracy, and other social outcomes in LAC. Contributions could focus especially on the progress made by the expansion of socio-fiscal policies in the region and the challenges faced to implement sustainable welfare policies from a multidimensional perspective.
In order to participate, you must submit your proposal to YSI and we will select some students to form a complete session of four papers. Depending on how many submissions we receive, we might have two complete sessions, with four participants each.
DEADLINE SUBMISSION: 28 of February, 1pm, GMT.
RESULTS BY 4 OF MARCH. REGISTRATION UNTIL 2 OF APRIL. There are no fees for this conference.