Next Webinar: The Financialization of Housing – Prof. Manuel Aalbers

Dear fellows,

On the behalf of the YSI Urban and Regional Economics Working Group, the YSI Financial Stability Working Group and the YSI Inequality Working Group we are pleased to invite you to the next webinar of the series "Reconciling financial stability and inclusion across space".

Due to the financialization of housing in today’s market, housing risks are increasingly becoming financial risks. Financialization refers to the increasing dominance of financial actors, markets, practices, measurements and narratives. It also refers to the resulting structural transformation of economies, firms, states and households. Professor Allbers approaches the centrality of housing to the contemporary capitalist political economy and places housing at the centre of the financialization debate. Where housing used to be something "local" or "national", the two-way coupling of housing to finance has been one crucial element in the recent crisis. It is time to reconsider the financialization of both homeownership and social housing.

Manuel B. Aalbers is currently associate professor of Social and Economic Geography at KU Leuven / University of Leuven (Belgium). His main research interest is in the intersection of real estate (including housing), finance and states. Manuel has published on redlining, social and financial exclusion, neighbourhood change (including decline and gentrification), the privatization of social housing and the Anglophone hegemony in academia. He is the author of Place, Exclusion, and Mortgage Markets (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) and The Financialization of Housing (Routledge, 2016) as well as the editor of Subprime Cities: The Political Economy of Mortgage Markets (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012). He is also the associate editor of the Encyclopedia of Urban Studies (Sage, 2010) and of geography journal TESG. He is also on the board of the journals Urban Studies, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Belgeo and Geografie.

About the Webinar Series: Financial stability and financial inclusion are often thought of separately by dedicated policy-makers and experts. Yet, they are two sides of the same coin. Furthermore, the solutions found to reconcile both objectives cannot be separated from local and spatial characteristics. The purpose of this webinar series is to discuss the link between financial stability and financial inclusion from a spatial perspective.

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