North America Convening: Call for Papers!

Dear all,

We are hosting a workshop for young scholars in the fields of economic and social history. The workshop will be held on February 22-24, 2019 at USC Dornsife, Los Angeles, CA and will be part of the large YSI North America Convening. We are looking for participants to present their work on the workshop.
Topics for presentations may include the following topics:

· “Free Trade under Fire”: trade policy in North America since Independence
· Financialization in North American history
· The Global Financial Crisis of 2008 as history
· and many more…

Papers inspired by institutional, feminist, Post-Keynesian and/or Marxian approaches are also welcome!

Find the complete Call for Abstracts here: .

The deadline for submission is December 18th.
We look forward to seeing you in Los Angeles!
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.