Plenary Follow-up

Dear PolEcon members,

We truly hope that you enjoyed the YSI Virtual Plenary 2020 and that you found it as inspiring and engaging as we did!

We’ve had very interesting discussions and debates on our ship! We would like to thank all the presenters and participants who showcased their papers and works-in-progress. We learned a lot from each other! A special mention goes to our organizers who moderated engaging sessions with lively discussions.

In our final session we received some very important feedback from you, which will be utilized for creating a better, more engaging and interesting working group. In the coming days we will send out two short surveys. In the first one, you will have a chance to indicate your opinions and suggestions about future projects and/or sessions. This will be also an opportunity to propose your own event and become an organizer! The second one will be our “State of the Field” survey, it will only take you a few minutes to complete it. Please keep in mind that both surveys are extremely important for shaping our WG’s ideas and future plans, therefore we look forward to your careful consideration!

While the plenary is over, there is still some work taking place on each WG’s ship. If you go back to our Working Group’s Ship, you will see a new feature “Working Group Questions”. We have proposed three questions out of the general questions pool. By using the “click to brainstorm this question” button, you will have a chance to contemplate each question, talk about their relevance considering our group’s thematic scope or even modify it. Don’t like any of the selected questions? No problem, just scroll down and pick up one yourself! Again, this is done in order to have a clearer vision for our WG’s future projects and directions, therefore please, contribute.

And lastly, a highlight from the plenary: our beautiful ship won the award for “the most interesting concept idea”, yay! if you didn’t have a chance to watch the ceremony live, go back and enjoy it!

We look forward to seeing you this Thursday for the first Session of the Working Papers in Political Economy!

Salome, Stefano M. and PolEcon WG