PolEcon Mandate 2021

Dear PolEcon members,

After a short break, we are starting to combine thoughts regarding our group’s future projects and research themes. We had an opportunity to exchange some ideas and listen to your proposals during the plenary sessions back in November. Now, let’s articulate them in order to publish our working group’s mandate!
The mandate will display our academic priorities and strategies for the upcoming year. This is also an opportunity to put forward your ideas and projects and become an organizer!
What’s going to happen:
• March 22-March 31
We have put together a draft mandate
Please take a look at this short document and add your thoughts on thematic interests, projects you would like to conduct, and potential institutional and academic partnerships you have in mind (there are examples in each section for your guidance).
• First week of April
We will organize an online meeting in order to discuss these ideas, talk about our group’s plans, strategies or even concerns. We will go through the draft mandate and make mutual decisions on our priorities. During this session, you will have an opportunity to let us know about your projects and get involved by becoming an organiser (time and date of the session to follow).
• Second week of April
We submit the final version of the mandate for the fresh and exciting start of our WG’s year!

Looking forward to your contributions!

Salome, Stefano M. and Stefano DB