Regulatory Sandboxes: Joining the Hands of Industry and Regulators

The Finance, Law, and Economics Working Group is happy to welcome you to participate in the fourth webinar on cryptocurrencies: "Regulatory Sandboxes: Joining the Hands of Industry and Regulators", which will be held on Friday, October 13, 2017, at 17:00 (CET).

Description of the Event:
The advent of crypto-currencies and the regulatory response thereto have been covered in the previous webinars. It has so far been observed (through previous webinars) that crypto-currency is a new form of fintech innovation that is catching up trends in market place at a quick pace. However, the crypto-currency innovation has posed challenges to regulatory authorities to ensure that the integrity of the financial system is protected amidst the launch of new financial innovation.

Against this background, this webinar focuses on the role of Regulatory Sandbox as a joint initiative between the private sector (fintech firms) and the regulatory authorities. Regulatory sandbox is a special set of rules that enables fintech firms (including those dealing with crypto-currency based financial products) to test their products and services in a controlled environment, without risks of breaking financial regulations. Conditions of a ‘sandbox’ include full or partial exemption from certain regulatory requirements. After tests in a ‘sandbox’, fintech solutions can be either discarded as unsuccessful or introduced in an unrestricted environment, i.e. offered to the mass consumer.

Understanding the regulatory sandboxes will provide insights into operationalizing a fintech crypto-currency solution through a guided approach under the extant regulatory framework. The Webinar presents the relevance of the sandbox approach to country level initiatives through the Swiss case study of the canton of Zug Crypto-valley. The concept of regulatory sandbox is elaborated using the regulatory sandbox frameworks notified by the regulators such as the Financial Services Authority (UK) and Monetary Authority of Singapore.

The invited Speaker is Dr. Srinivas Yanamandra, who has presented the previous webinar from the Cryptocurrency series, we are glad to have him back!

Please follow this link to attend our GoToMeeting:

We look forward to seeing you online!

Luisa, Christopher and Cecilia