Rethinking Economic Development in a post-Covid World with Ha-Joon Chang

The Covid-19 pandemic has induced a massive shock to the economic system. While the crisis has impacted the entire world, given the already existing developmental challenges faced by the developing regions, the impact of the crisis is likely to be particularly severe. On the one hand, the crisis has exposed the already existing vulnerabilities in the region, and on the other, it has posed several new challenges.

What can underdeveloped countries expect after the Covid-19 pandemic? Will governments need to have a fundamental role in stimulating economic growth? Can developing countries grow in an international environment of low demand and stagnating international trade? Could this be the right time for developing countries to “climb the ladder” to industrial activities? How are the policies likely to differ across the developing and developing regions? Will these policies tend to exacerbate the already existing regional disparities?

In order to engage with these challenges, the Economic Development working group will host a webinar with invites participants to formulate questions related to the future of development policies to economist Ha-Joon Chang, University of Cambridge. The session will be in a Q&A format. So, we invite young scholars to submit questions related to the future of economic development in a post-Covid World that they wish to pose to Professor Chang. Topics include, although not limited to, the opportunities and constraints in economic growth, industrial policy, intellectual property rights, institutions and public policy due the economic shock caused by the Covid-19.

We will select a total of 10-15 questions from the list of submitted questions , which will then be addressed by Professor Chang during the webinar. Thereafter, we will also open the discussion to further queries. The last date for submitting your questions is May 12 2020. We look forward to an enriching engagement!

Questions should be submitted through this link.

Deadline for submission: May 12th (23:00 London)

Event: May 20th (17:00 London)

Event here.