Starting this Thursday – webinars on “Innovation in Developing Countries”

Hi everyone,

We're very happy to co-host with the YSI Latin America and Caribbean, a serie of webinars on "Innovation in Developing Countries".

A special thanks to Danilo Sartorello Spinola, PhD fellow at United Nations University (UNU-MERIT) for the idea and the organization.

The first webinar on the complexity of the productive structure in developing countries will take place this Thursday, click here to have more info :

"Innovation not only changes technology and raises productivity. It also changes the quality of the products that are demanded by consumers. If these innovations follow trajectories oriented to solving development issues, they can offer alternatives to face some of the biggest economic issues – affecting macroeconomic and microeconomic conditions"

These webinars will discuss the diagnosis of the main flaws in developing countries’ productive structure. That ends up resulting in the constitution of immature innovation systems that fail to offer alternatives for development issues. The presentations will focus on four topics:

(1) The complexity of the productive structure in developing countries.
(2) The effects of short-run unstable macroeconomics on innovation,
(3) A diagnosis of long-run historical growth and industrialization strategies.
(4) Discussions on the alternative of natural-resource industrialization."

For the schedule click here :

P.S. The call for papers for Tallinn will be out next week. Stay tuned 😉

