States and Markets Plenary Program

Hi everyone,

We would like to remind you about the States and Markets Working Group’s sessions at YSI Virtual Plenary 2020!

On Thursday, November 5th, we will have Introduction, Icebreaker, and State of the Field Report. In this meeting, after a short round of introductions, we will update you on what our group has been up to and discuss some of the recent developments and debates that concern our working group.

We will continue on November 7th, Saturday, with a session on ‘Digital platforms and COVID-19’. Martín Harraca, Manikantha Nataraj, and Victo Silva Neto will present their work. Cecilia Rikap and Sauman Singh will be coordinating this session.

On Tuesday,** November 10th,** we will host a fantastic panel. Our mentors Ying Chen, Michal Rozworkski, and Isabella Weber will discuss the role of the state in response to the Covid Pandemic. We highly recommend that you do not miss out this one!

Right after the panel, we will have our second session. We will hear Julian Barbella, Joanna Dressel, and Iacopo Gronchi presenting their work. Esra Ugurlu and Nicolas Aguila will coordinate this session.

On November 11th, Wednesday, we will have our third session on ‘Conceptual issues regarding the role of the state in international perspective.” Segio Páez, Bruno Perez Almansi, and Laura Sariego-Kluge will present their work. Joāo Pedro Scalco Macalos and Pablo Benchimol will be coordinating this session.

On November 13th, we will have a roundtable session with Cecilia Rikap and Sauman Singh on ‘Innovation, rents, and growing inequalities. Pharmaceutical and digital industries in the pandemic’. Dario Vázquez will coordinate the roundtable.

We will end our program on November 16th with a brainstorming session.

You can find the Plenary program + times displayed in your local timezone from here

To join the Plenary, click on the “enter now” (yellow) button on the Plenary website and use your YSI email to login. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us any time.

Hope to virtually see you all soon!
States and Markets Coordinators