Study group on Feminist Epistemology

Dear all,

this is to announce that the Gender and Economics WG is starting a new project together with Philosophy of Economics WG and History of Economic Thought WG. It is a study group on Feminist Epistemology. If you would like to join the project or to know more about it, please, visit the following link:

The first activity of the study group will be a webinar with Professor Zdravka Todorova on the 18th of December.

The title of the webinar will be "Feminist Economics and Social Provisioning", and Professor Zdravka Todorova (Wright State University – will present the general aspects of gender studies in economics, stressing the aspects of feminist epistemology.

You can find some reading suggestions about the topic in this folder, but remember they are only suggestions, everyone is invited to join us regardless of being able to read it or not:

All the best,
