TODAY! Interview with former Deputy Prime Minister of Bulgaria

Join us for the Early Career Days!

We wanted to highlight the below session to our WG members:

Interview with former Deputy Prime Minister of Bulgaria and YSI Member Atanas Pekanov
Atanas Pekanov reflects on his experience working for the Bulgarian government while mid-PhD.

📆 Friday 11 March, 11:30am EST / 17:30pm CET
👉Register at

About the Early Career Days: As young scholars we are confronted with many challenges: publishing, teaching, the job market, work-life balance and institutional barriers Often we face these demands alone and without much institutional or even moral support. The YSI Early Career Days provide an opportunity to confront these issues as a community by sharing experiences, building resources and providing support to navigate these early career challenges. This second iteration of the Early Career Days consists of a two-day program with talks on and panels that are open to young scholars everywhere as well as interactive workshops on topics like mental health, teaching, and writing skills.

👉 Register at