Webinar on endogenous money with Jo Michell | TODAY (May 10)

Dear all,

This is a gentle reminder for the first webinar of the endogenous money webinar series :

Do Shadow Banks Create Money? with Jo Michell
May 10, 2019 (TODAY!) at 11.00AM (EDT time) – 5:00PM (Central European Summer Time)

The goal of this session is to deepen into the theoretical concept of endogenous money against the background of the latest financial developments, in particular, the role of shadow banking in the money creation process. Reference: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/meca.12149

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://ysd.ineteconomics.org/project/5cc96804a64d3e4a7058677c/event/5ccad5b5a64d3e4a7058cf5f

Best regards,