YSI Budapest – WORKING GROUP MEETING 2: The Organization of Care – Friday October 21, 14:30 – 17:00

Women's unpaid care work is still the main pillar on which stands the organization of care in our societies. But, nowadays many countries are experiencing a care crisis, whether it is embedded within a wider crisis of social reproduction or not. This means that societies are not able to provide care in accordance with the care requirements of the population. There are diverse factors that can prompt a care crisis: the ageing of the population -which is a feminized phenomenon; and/or the increase in the rate of women’s activity in the market. When these changes are not accompanied by other transformations, such as a stronger co-responsibility for care of men and the State and changes in the labour market, society is facing a care crisis. Broadly speaking, development models assume that there is an infinitely elastic cushion of unpaid care work. But how long will women be able to deal with a double -or even triple- burden of work? Which could be the solution to the contemporary care crisis? How economics should include care in its models? The inclusion of care in development models could represent a way out from the global economic crisis? With Professor Julie Nelson we will discuss about “husbandry” and the masculine responsibility for care.

Professor Julie Nelson (University of Massachusetts Boston)
Husbandry: A (Feminist) Reclamation of Masculine Responsibility for Care

Belen Sobrino Gonzalez, Oslo University and OXFAM
Towards a more redistributive agenda of unpaid care and domestic work: From formal to substantive equality
Jill Tipton, Sciences Po, Paris
Gender equity in the new economy: a solidarity economy approach
Julia Ostrovskaya, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow and Center for social and labour rights Gender equality in the labour market in modern russia
Janaína Teodoro Guiginski, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Labour Market and Gender Relations – association between the presence of children and conditions of women's access to work in Brazil