YSI HES workshop

Dear all,

The YSI History of Economic Thought working group together with HES will organize a creative writing workshop in New York on June 19, the day before the History of Economics Society annual conference.

The workshop will be led by Tiago Mata, lecturer in Science and Technology Studies at UCL, and Paul Dudenhefer, staff specialist at Duke's Center for the History of Political Economy and former managing editor of History of Political Economy. The goal of the workshop is to think creatively about writing and reflect on how to engage new audiences with the story of economics and its place in our polity and culture.

The deadline for applications is February 15th, together with the HES call. The workshop is open to young scholars who apply to the HES young scholars program. Please, apply to the HES conference first and then fill-in the following form: https://fs24.formsite.com/inet/iwrd3kc3se/index.html

YSI will provide accommodation for five nights (workshop and conference) for those receiving the stipend through the HES young scholars program.

For any further questions please contact the organisers: Christina Laskaridis, Juan Acosta, and Camila Orozco-Espinel.