YSI Member Profile Image

Nationality: Argentina

Affiliation: UNMDP-UNSAM

Student status: Student

Level of education: Ph.D.

Field of Study: Economics

Joined: September 5, 2019

Santiago Graña-Colella

Buenos Aires, AR

Member: History of Economic Thought, Keynesian Economics, Latin America, Core, States and Markets, Sustainability

Coordinator: Economic Development

Organizer: Economic Development, Keynesian Economics, Sustainability

Research Interests

  • Economic Development
  • Financialization
  • Inflation
  • Macroeconomics


I am a PhD candidate at the National University of San Martin and a member of a research project in macroeconomics and development of the National University of Mar del Plata (UNMDP).

About my research

My reaserch topics are inflation, currency susbstitution, Kaldor-Verdoorn Law and Dutch disease.