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1ST Latin American Dialogues: Economic Perspectives on Underdevelopment

YSI LAD Conference @ UnB

Start time:

August 19, 2024 @ 8:00 am - August 21, 2024 @ 6:00 pm

project Series Event Series (See All)



Blue Auditorium, Brasília, Federal District, 70910-900


Panel discussion

project Series Event Series (See All)


Speaker Image
Shireen Mahdi

PhD; Leader Economist at the World Bank for Brazil

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Nelson Henrique Barbosa Filho

PhD; Professor at Getulio Vargas Foundation; Associate Professor at the University of Brasilia; Director of Structure and Planning Projects at BNDES

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Cornelius Flechhaker

Senior Economist at the World Bank

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Esteban Pérez Caldentey

PhD; Officer of Economic Affairs, ECLAC

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Gary Dymski

PhD; Applied Professor at the University of Leeds

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Jorge Saba Arbache

PhD; Professor at the University of Brasilia; Vice-President at CAF

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Juan Martias de Lucchi

PhD; Associate Professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice

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Camila Luciana Gramkow

PhD; Economist at ECLAC

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Anita Fiori de Abreu

PhD; Economist at the Inter-American Development Bank

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Ariana Britto

PhD; Manager of Economic Policies at J-PAL LAC

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Joaquim Pinto de Andrade

PhD; Emeritus Professor at the University of Brasilia


The Graduate Program in Economics at the University of Brasilia, in collaboration with the YSI Latin American Workgroup, invites you to participate in the “1ST Latin American Dialogues: Economic Perspectives on Underdevelopment”. We are excited to have your involvement in this event. The event will be held in the Faculdade de Administração, Contabilidade, Economia e Gestão Pública at the University of Brasília and part of the paper presenters will receive partial financial support from YSI Latin American Workgroup. The supports are a $150,00 stipend for travel and a double hotel room. For those who cannot attend in-person, the event will be held in a hybrid format.

The theme concerns the Latin American economy, mainly concerning recent political cycles (2016-Brazil, 2018-Brazil, 2022-Brazil, 2023-Argentina, among others). These movements have affected the entire political and democratic structure of the countries, which justifies the need for political and economic investigation in the academic field. Therefore, the importance of an international event in the Brazilian capital becomes unquestionable. The event proposed here will feature 3 days of intense activities, involving discussion panels and work presentations. This year, the event will be in honor of Professor Mauro Boianovsky who recently died and was a Professor at the Department of Economics at the University of Brasilia. We are also creating the “Mauro Boianovsky Award” and the “Mauro Boianovsky Magna Class”, both will be a permanent event activity.


Please submit your abstract in either English or Portuguese. Please be aware that the event will be conducted in English.



“Mauro Boianovsky Magna Class”

Opening Panel (August 19): “Economic Dialogues about Underdevelopment in Latin America”

Second Panel (August 20): “Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in Latin America: a Vision of Multilateral Organizations”

Closing Panel (August 21): “Political Empirical Evidence in Latin America (especially Brazil)”


Papers Sessions (Themes)

  • Adopted fiscal and monetary policies in Latin America
  • Overcoming Underdevelopment in Latin America
  • Latin America Economic History, History Economic Thought, Methodology – Tribute to Professor Mauro Boianovsky
  • Environmental Policies and Their Impact on Development in Latin America
  • Public Policies Manager and Underdevelopment in Latin America


The best accepted and presented paper will be awarded with the “Mauro Boianovsky Award”. YSI also supports technological issues, transmitting part of the event in its channel and also in the Webinomics channel (https://youtube.com/@webinomics1842?si=kekN6983_DD4R1ZT). All the sessions will be recorded and posted on the Webinomics channel.



February 21, 2024 – Opening day for abstract submissions

April 10th, 2024 – Deadline for abstract submissions

Between April 10th and April 30th – Evaluation of the abstracts

May 2nd – E-mail with the abstract acceptance or not

July 15th is the deadline for sending the full paper

August 19th – First day

August 20th, Second day

August 21th, Third day


We thank YSI Latin American Workgroup for all the assistance. For any further questions or concerns, please, feel free to contact latinamericandialogues@gmail.com

Hosted by Working Group(s):