Latin America Working Group


Join us to study the economic challenges of the Latin American continent. Identify new approaches to combat inequality, poverty while improving social, economic, and environmental conditions.

Manuel Valencia (Université Sorbonne, Berlin School of Economics and Law, UNSAM)
Leonardo Rojas-Rodriguez (Researcher, Colombia
Jimena Castillo Aguerre (Leeds University Business School, UK)


Mandate (2024)

Research themes

  • Structural change in Latin America (Trade and productive structure specialization, global chains of value and regional integration.)
  • Energy Transition in Latin America (Environmental sustainability and green finance)
  • Growth and Development from North-South & South-South Perspectives (Structuralism, New Developmentalism, for example.)
  • Social equality in Latin America: Gender economics, inequality and care economics, for example.
  • Macroeconomics in Latin America (including Macromodeling, Fiscal and Monetary policies, institutionality, macroeconomics and power)
  • Financial integration and financialization in Latin America (international and regional architecture)

Research questions

  • Amidst the profound global transformations, what role does Latin America play? What are the implications of the policies implemented years ago according to regional integration? What are the opportunities and challenges in front of the structural change in the region?
  • The transition to low-carbon economies represents a relevant challenge to the region. What is the space-to-economy policy that guarantees successful trajectories in the region and for each country? What is the role of green finance and multilateral actors? How can we ensure compatibility between equality, structural change, and environmental sustainability?
  • Growth and development from North-South & South-South perspectives: The main partners of Latin America in the Global North are changing. What are the key alternatives for forging new relationships, and what challenges and opportunities arise from this shift?
  • The Latin American scholars occupied a central chair in the academic and political debates on social equality. What is the future for these discussions and how likely are to implement changes in the political, academic, and everyday spaces?
  • Since the 1990s, Latin America has been implementing different macroeconomic policies. In light of the global Polycrisis (social and environmental), what specific requirements emerge for the development and adjustment of macroeconomic policies?
  • Latin America has faced long periods of difficulties and obstacles in accessing financial resources, currently, these conditions have not changed much. What are the expected scenarios? What macroprudential and institutional measures could Latin American countries implement to face financial constraints and financialization problems?

Projects Planned 

  • 5th International Workshop on Demand-led Growth: Capital flows and External constraints. Conference in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil (July 2024)
  • LAPORDE in São Paulo/Brazil (to be confirmed)
  • ECLAC Summer School – August/September 2024
  • International Workshop YSI-UDELAR-ECLAC, Montevideo (Uruguay)
  • International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics Conference 2024 (IACAPE)
  • The Financialization Of Public Policy In Latin America: Crisis, Challenges And Alternatives In The Region. Universidad Central, Santiago (June 2024)
  • Development Workshop in Feminist Economics – UFPR Curitiba (Brazil)
  • Welfare And Policies In LAC: Advances And Challenges Ahead. Universidad de Costa Rica. (May 2024)
  • YSI Pre-Conference Event: Association For Evolutionary Economics South American Conference. Federal University of Paraná. (May 2024)
  • 1ST Latin American Dialogues: Economic Perspectives On Underdevelopment. University of Brazilia (August 2024)

Existing partnerships and cooperation 

  • Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
  • Brazilian Keynesian Association (AKB)
  • Instituto de Economia – UNICAMP
  • Latin America Program of Rethinking
  • Getulio Vargas Foundation of São Paulo – FGV
  • Latin America’s Knowledge Systems, Innovation and Capacity Building Research Network (LALICS)
  • Demand-led growth workshop (UFRJ)
  • Grupo de Socioeconomia, Instituciones y Desarollo (GSEID) – UNAL
  • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
  • Instituto de Economia (IECON-UDELAR)
  • Centro Celso Furtado (Brazil)
  • WAPLAC: Network on Welfare & Policy in Latin American and the Caribbean


You’re welcome to join any webinar or reading group at any time. You’re also invited to apply to present or participate in an any in-person workshop in your area. 



The latest updates and announcements, sent out to all working group members via email.
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