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YSI Workshop on Brazilian Economy:18th Forum of Economics of Getulio Vargas

YSI Brazil Regional Meeting

Start time:

September 24, 2023 - September 25, 2023



Getulio Vargas Foundation, SP, Bela Vista, São Paulo, 01332-000



YSI Presenters


We are happy to invite you to participate in the YSI Brazil Regional Meeting in partnership with the 18th Forum of Economics of Getulio Vargas Foundation 2023, which will be held on September 25-26 in São Paulo, Brazil. The event will feature major economic figures of the country as the Finance Minister Fernando Haddad, and the President of BNDES Aloizio Mercadante, among others (see the link of the event below).

The YSI meeting will take place in the city of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, on September 24-26, 2023, and will happen as a side-event with the 18th Forum of Economics (https://eaesp.fgv.br/centros/centro-estudos-novo-desenvolvimentismo/eventos/18o-forum-economia-fundacao-getulio-vargas), that is organized by the Center for Studies on New-Developmentalism (CND) and the São Paulo School of Business Administration (EAESP) of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV).

The YSI Brazil regional meeting aims to provide an environment for YSI members of the Brazilian community to exchange knowledge, connect and integrate, prospect future projects and participate in a very important Brazilian event in the field of economics. The FGV Forum on the Brazilian Economy will certainly provide young scholars with practical perspectives on the Brazilian economic development challenges. Participants will improve their capacity to understand how Brazil may reach a prosperous growth path toward a sustainable, less unequal, and more competitive economy. The event aims to bring together researchers from Brazilian universities with different intellectual backgrounds to discuss Brazilian economic development challenges. The event program can be seen here: https://eaesp.fgv.br/centros/centro-estudos-novo-desenvolvimentismo/eventos/18o-forum-economia-fundacao-getulio-vargas.

The workshop will take place in the city of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, on September 24-26, 2023, and will happen as a side-event with the 18th Forum of Economics. We are calling for Masters, Ph.D. Students, postdoctoral, and young scholars to submit a motivation letter (maximum of 500 words) explaining their event interest in the light of their involvement with YSI activities (past, present, and future) before August 20.

Selected Young Scholars from Brazilian Universities will receive stipends for expenses with travel, accommodation, and meals.

Submission Details:
• Submission of a motivational letter (maximum of 500 words): August, 20;
• Acceptance announcement: August, 25;
• The letter can be written in English or Portuguese.

Hosted by Working Group(s):