Call for Papers: Working Paper Series

Dear working group members,

As coordinator of the Working Paper Series Рand on behalf of Mafalda D̢maso who is coordinating the Commentaries РI am writing to all of you to provide an update concerning the new initiatives we agreed to launch in this second year of our Working Group along with our established webinar series coordinated by Sebastiaan. Well, the good news is that we are ready to start! What I am asking of you at this point is, therefore, to let us know who is potentially interested in participating (ideally by February 10) so that we can begin to build a schedule.

Working Paper Series

Working Group members that have already presented (or are scheduled to present) their work in one of our meetings (webinars or previous events in Brussels, Trento and Budapest) and are interested in having their paper to be considered for the Working Paper Series are encouraged to contact me stating their interest by February 10. The publication of working papers is open to all researchers, both working group and non-working group members, provided that the presentation requirement is fulfilled. I kindly remember that proposed articles should be about 8000 words (references excluded). In order to facilitate the scheduling of the various papers, potential contributors are also asked to indicate whether the paper they plan to submit for the Series is currently ready – i.e. in the form reputed adequate for it – or if it still requires a few weeks of work.


Working Group members interested in contributing to our blog with commentaries on current affairs are also strongly encouraged to contact Mafalda Dâmaso (see the email address in CC) by February 10. The blog posts will be the most direct form of publication of the EPE working group – as such, they should be short (not more than 1500 words). We will provide basic editing and a check of compliance with the aims of the working group.

Of course, if you have any questions you are more than welcome to contact us.


Francesco Galletti